
Get to know us, meet the team and the founder of Self Directed Futures!

Chris Watson is the founder of Self Directed Futures. Chris has over 24 years experience of working across the public and voluntary sector in the fields of health, social care and community development, with a focus on working with people with learning disabilities to achieve citizenship within their communities. 

As well as working alongside people as a support worker at a grassroots level, in community based supported living projects, Chris has also worked at a strategic level in a local authority and on programmes delivering national priorities around helping people move out of institutionalised living environments and into their own homes. 

It was within services that Chris started to realise that for people to have good lives they needed approaches to support that were designed around them as unique individuals, and that flexibility, in every area, was key to this. And so, he decided to set up Self Directed Futures, an organisation that is based around inspiring and supporting organisations to apply the principles of self determination, citizenship and self directed support.

Chris is a Fellow of Citizen Network, and a Fellow at the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.

Self Directed Futures works with a small, innovative team of individuals who bring a wealth of experience to their work:

Adam Burley


Trainer and Managing Director of Burley Inclusive

Alex Goff


Trainer and Director of an ISF provider organisation

Chris Watson



Dave Goswell



Jessica Dunne


Occupational Therapist and TEC expert

Mark Scurfield


Trainer and owner of an ISF provider organisation

Rachel Mason



Wendy Chituri


Social Worker and ISF Broker